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SEM-CL应用 光伏材料

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      为了使光伏发电成为全球能源需求的一个重要部分,能量产率一瓦特面板的成本必须降低。光伏发电领域中,低成本、高容量无机化合物薄膜光伏电池最具应用前景。这些无机化合物包括CdTe和Cu(In,Ga)Se 2 (CIGS),这两个材料目前几乎占据了20%的太阳能电池面板销售额。由于它们是直接带隙半导体,因而同样能效的电池片厚度仅需要2-5 μm。厚度要求下降就无需制备大尺寸单晶材料,也大大降低了器件对晶体质量的要求。无机化合物薄膜光伏电池生产路线多样,更低成本和更高效,将引领太阳能电池新潮流。然而,要提高CdTe基太阳能电池的转换效率,需要提高其基质的载流子注入效率,目前材料制备过程中存在大量的缺陷造成载流子输运效率较低。研究材料本体的缺陷变得至关重要,Attolight阴极荧光分析系统在这里是很好的研究工具。

Cathodoluminescence is able to provide characterization of these thin film PV materials with a spatial resolution unmatched by other techniques. The Attolight system in particular providesthe following advantages :

– Defects such as grain boundaries and dislocations can be analysed with regard to both their signal intensity and their CL spectroscopic profile. This can provide information about both the electrical activity of the defects and any chemical segregation effects.
– The highly stable cooling stage allows high-resolution scans down to 10 K, giving information about the spatial distribution of dopants and defects levels. Additionally, the tem perature dependence of excited states can be determined, giving activation
energies for these states.
– The local measurement of CL emission lifetimes provides unprecedented charac terisation of defects and composition gradients ; carrier lifetimes are an important factor in PV where they must diffuse to the contacts in order to be collected.


Attolight CL技术的优势:

—快速自动Mapping:65秒扫描25 μm×25 μm区域


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